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how to build website for free

Do you have facebook profile or page? Of course you have, but that is not enough.

Regardless of your situation, the more likely it’s that you need a website to facilitate the achievement of your goals. 

If you are unemployed, want to change job, are a freelancer or looking for new career opportunities, it is essential to have a diverse online presence. Start with the website, then facebook, linkedin, youtube, google+, twitter, slideshare and scribd. These are the main ones but you may add others, accordingly to your business. For instance, to portfolios use pinterest or flickr. For architecture and decoration, the choice should be If you intend to publish lectures, classes, music or other audio resources, use So, have an online presence accordingly to your professional profile. 

What is the website structure?
In social networks it’s easy to create an account. However, having a website is not that simple and it may entail costs. Let’s guide you to do it the easier way and for free, or the professional way with very low costs. 

The menu should be horizontal and have between 5 to 10 items, and each one of them may branch into more submenus. The secondary menu may be at the top or footer, usually smaller with less important links to most visitors.

If you can work with a word processor, you can write articles at wordpress. 
Besides the basic content of your project, company, industry or professional area, if possible, streamline an area of ​​blog with weekly updates, at least. You can inspire yourself on gathering information, becoming a fan and subscribing to newsletters of related sites. In addition, create some scheduled searches on Google in areas of knowledge that interest you. Both the video and the image are essential. Use good images and copyright free at and or see a list of 300 websites full of excellent images free of usage at

You should place the main info at the first screen (before scroll) and at the left side, since the natural behavior of reading and attention is in “F” format. 

There are many newsletter services but we recommend  these: feedburner is totally free, but has few control at the platform; e-goi is Portuguese and allows to subscribe an account for free up to 500 emails; mailchimp in English free up to 2000 emails. Choose the easiest and quicker solution. 

Create original content of quality, with images and videos. Write to other blogs, having good reputation, with link to your website.

Don’t forget to include social media content: issuu (PDFs), youtube (videos), scribd (documents), slideshare (presentations), soundcloud (audios), flickr (photo albums) and others. 

Lets create your website
To create a blog or website you may use, for instance, the free or, giving you no excuses to an online presence, where you can publish contents about your professional interests. The main advantage of a website is to control the platform and the contents (depending on the solution). However, to a real website presence you should register a domain and hosting (for a few dollars per year), installing wordpress or joomla to create your website with these open source and free platforms. 

Start now and create your website at following this step-by-step video. 

What is wordpress?
Wordpress is a freeware to create and manage web contents, allowing you to easily create and update a website/blog. It’s considered one of the largest and more dynamic tools of this kind, and it’s used by large companies such as WSJ, The New York Times, Nasa, Microsoft, TechCrunch, TED, CNN, etc. There are more than 55 million blogs, 337 million people see more than 2,5 billion monthly pages and 500 thousand new daily posts that generate 400 thousand comments. And we are only talking about websites hosted on, not counting those at their own hosting, estimated to be 17% of the world's largest websites (Alexa top 1 million) and 48% of the top 100 blogs. Recently facebook launched a wordpress plugging to facilitate the integration between the two platforms. 

If the idea is to have multiple users writing content you don’t have a better choice. Besides an excellent base tool, its features may be extended through thousands of pluggings, and you can also easily change the layout through themes. 

Natively, it comes optimized to search engines. Everyone wants to be at the Google results search, right? But don’t forget to create an account at webmaster tools to monitor your website with Google eyes and to use Search Engine Optimization techniques. 

Although is free and good, it doesn’t have its own domain, cannot install pluggings and extra themes, unless you pay for it. These are essential if you have a real project. But if you don’t know yet the result of your idea don’t wait, try now and afterwards you may upgrade to a paid version at You can also install at your server, downloading at or ask for help to your hosting provider. 

Customize the layout and graphic appearance
You may consult here several free themes. If you are going to create a new website, think mobile. Many users access web through a smartphone or tablet. You have two options: create a mobile website (there are paid pluggings for that, which justify the investment) or choose a responsive theme (that adapts to several screen sizes) so the website could be duly viewed at any gadget, computer or cell phone. To begin try this one: free and responsive – it’s unusual to find something with this quality and no costs. If you may spend some money, would be very pleased with these sophisticated themes

Which features should have?
After having your wordpress ready at the server, there are innumerous pluggings to make your website stronger. Besides the presented fundamentals, think about this matter and write. Don’t worry if it’s possible or not, difficult or not. Ask Google or some expert for help. 


By type of website:

When you finish your website you may start thinking the next steps. You can do many more interesting things, for instance: the user need to share in the social networks to see a specific content or to download, create a customized tab at your facebook page through wordpress (and managed at wordpress, centralizing the contents), capture the visitors’ emails, chat with potential clients, greater integration with the social networks and much more. To arouse the curiosity research these and others plugins premium wordpress

(*)Over the last 10 years, Vasco Marques has dedicated to development and management of e-Business. He has a MBA (Master of Business Administration) with specialization in Information Systems and e-Business. He also teaches in Higher Education subjects regarding information networks, e-Business, digital tools and marketing.
He has a vast professional and training experience in information and communication technologies, web development, social networks, computer graphics and multimedia.
He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and Google Certified Professional.


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