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Redes Sociais

google+ is a social network that allows users and brands to share status updates, links, images, and videos. users can comment, share, and support (+1) these interactions.
pinterest has the opportunity to be extremely valuable for retail businesses, or anyone who sells an aesthetic-centered service--hairdressers, for example. yet it can also offer a lot of value to businesses that are willing to put in the time to create visually stimulating content. if you ‘pin’ boring images, they are not going to perform well on pinterest, so if you want to tackle this network, you’ve to invest the time.
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Redes Sociais para Empreendedores
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Pesquisa social e hashtags no Facebook
Vasco Marques aborda as vantagens das hashtag no Facebook e dá algumas recomendações sobre formas
✜Facebook Farmácias✜
Alguns momentos formação facebook com dezenas de farmácias, na Cooprofar Mais informações:
Redes Sociais para Empreendedores - Instituto Superior de Gestão - Lisboa
Redes sociais empreendedores lisboa isg from Vasco Marques
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